Killer Queen Arcade Now Available Through Raw Thrills

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Killer Queen Arcade Machine is now available through Raw Thrills, who have teamed up with the independent developers of the arcade for mass distribution.

The Killer Queen arcade machine garnered a fair amount of attention when the indie developers released it to the public in 2014, especially because of it 10 player functionality in a five versus five joystick arcade game.

The game is made up of two 5 player cabinets, positioned back to back, and also feature a 46” arcade monitor each, and the two teams can go compete in head-to-head competition.

Some changes have been made since Raw Thrills came on board in order to maximise its earning potential, including a re-designed cabinet and tweaks in game. Another cool feature of the cabinet is the cup holders – awkward ‘where-do-put-my-drink’ dilemma solved!

Changes to the software include a tutorial to help new players understand how this unique game works, a new AI players to fill in empty spots on teams, and have corrected a number of bugs in the system. Locations that have purchased the previous version of the machine will be able to update the software to receive these improvements as well.

More updates to come as they become available.

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