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Photo Play System 2008 - Field test a success
Photo Play System 2008 is proving to be a major success, even though the product has not yet been officially launched. Photo Play System 2008 was recently field tested at a variety of popular locations, receiving positive feedback from operators and players. It features a new menu, a newly revised demo mode, and the inclusion of 12 new games.
One notable feature of Photo Play System 2008 is that the Photo Play menu has been reworked, with the user interface featuring a new, clear colour scheme, as well as clearly arranged and direct navigation. The demo mode has also been revised, and features a new graphical design that aims to attract players to the terminals.
"A simple menu which is more concise by using clear colours, 12 new games as well as a highly sophisticated enhancement of the technical features make the System 2008 a blockbuster for our customers and business partners", says Norbert Langer, head of Funworld's sales and marketing department.
Photo Play System 2008 will also include a variety of new game genres in the hope of broadening the target group of Photo Play. Of particular note is the inclusion of fast party games, which aim to attract new gamers. "Especially the party or fun games Kick the Fish and Bavarian Quarters turned out as a major success – even before their official launch", says Josef Öhlinger, CEO of Funworld.