The Arcade Experience - A New Book From Arcade Heroes

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Arcade Heroes writer, and arcade owner/operator, Adam Pratt has released a new book titled The Arcade Experience: A Look Into Modern Arcade Games and Why They Still Matter. The book includes a foreward from Kevin Williams, arcade industry expert, journalist and DNA Association Founder and CEO.

This 204 page read includes full color pictures, discusses briefly the history of the arcade, as well as looking at conceptual ideas about arcade such as the social experience and the technology involved. It discusses the work of manufacturers over the last five years to try and discern the direction of the industry recently, current locations operating and why they are successful and the direction of the future of the arcade industry.

To get a printed copy of the book, you can buy it from Amazon’s CreateSpace for $26.99. For the digital Kindle copy, you just need to have either an Amazon Kindle or an iPad (or as pointed out, PC or MAC) or other tablet device with the Kindle App installed on it. The digital version of The Arcade Experience can be purchased there for $4.99USD.

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