Ticket Man Is Here! Andamiro Release Their Latest Coin Catcher

This article comes from Highwaygames.com

Andamiro have released the latest game in their coin catcher series,
Ticket Man. Ticket Man is a character created by Andamiro exclusively
for ticket redemption machines, and the machine features a magnetic
retrieval mechanism that picks up novelty metal coins. The central object in the unit is called the "Krypto Coin", which has a redemption currency value and a barcode on its reverse side. Up to 2,000 coins can sit in the machine's revolving drum.

"We put Ticket Man through other tests in different location types around the country and it consistently was a top-ranking earner," said company president Drew Maniscalco. "Player reactions and collections have been outstanding. As a homegrown trademarked product, we are very proud of Ticket Man and look forward to a successful run."

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