Update on Josie Rizal From Tekken 7 Issue

This article comes from Highwaygames.com

We have been tracking over the past week or two the unveiling of (and reaction to) a new Filipino character in Tekken 7, Josie Rizal, and it seems the character issue - or non-issue as it has turned out - is coming to a close.

It has since been revealed that the initial source of the NCCA TRO against Bandai Namco Games, concerning the Josie Rizal character, was just an April Fool's joke and that the NCCA has no plans to make any moves against BNG or the Filipino character in Tekken 7 (although comments made by individuals working with the council were legitimate, although not representative of the councils position).

Tekken 7 Director and Producer, Katsuhiro Harada, has since asked fans to calm down after the clarification from the NCCA, though many fans are still in an uproar or harrassing the NCCA with comments concerning the character.

So rest easy Tekken fans! Josie Rizal is not going anywhere, the Philippines have no issue with the character or how she may or may not represent Filipino culture, and they are quite happy to see the game go on as it is.

To leave this story on an even more positive note, and to try and help overcome the fan frenzy, here is the original concept art for Josie, released by Harada and designed by Bayonetta’s character designer Mari Shimazaki, PLUS some new high resolution screenshots of Josie in action, as well as a couple of Jin Kazama and Devil Jin too. Enjoy!

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