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Basic 3D Full Motion Base Simulator (6 Seat Model)

Basic 3D Full Motion Base Simulator (6 Seat Model)
Product Details
Category :Simulators

About Basic 3D Full Motion Base Simulator (6 Seat Model)

A 3D full motion simulator with a rollercoaster theme. The machine displays 3D stereoscopic images on a massive 120 inch screen viewable through polarised 3D glasses. This model seats 6 people in a full motion seat that is controlled by a 6 axis drive motor and features a stereo/multi-channel stereo surround sound system.

The machines comes with 8 different 3D films, including: Bloody Road, Bloody Road 2, Roller Coaster, Into The Forest, Cyber Racing, Dinosaur, Aero Bike and Space

Product Details for Basic 3D Full Motion Base Simulator (6 Seat Model)

  • Oil-way pressure: 32MP~36M
  • Net weight: 300 kg
  • Max Payload: 2.5 Ton
  • Seats: 6 players
  • Pitching characteristic: +/-17deg
  • Roll angle: +/-12deg
  • Yawing: +/-18deg
  • Vertical up and drop: 230
  • Longitudinal displacement: +/-250(mm)
  • Side movement: +/-240(mm)
  • Projection screen size: 120 inch

  • 6 axis hydraulic motion seats (with ottomans)
  • Control unit system (computer, keyboard, mouse, power adapter)
  • 19 inch LCD control unit display
  • 120 inch projection screen
  • Projection system (Mitsubishi GX330 projector and Mitsubishi 2700 projector)
  • 30pcs 3D glasses
  • Amplifier and Audio System (power amplifier, main speakers, surround speakers, audio line, audio swithching line)
  • Air compressor (exhaust rate: 0.56 Cubic meters/ min, power consumption: 550W )
  • Blower System (nozzle+ electromagnetic valve)

Product Database
Product Name :Basic 3D Full Motion Base Simulator (6 Seat Model)
Category Type :Simulators
Product Size :Width: 175.0 cm
Depth: 115.0 cm
Height: 160.0 cm
Product Weight :300 kg
Screen Size :120" Screen
Screen Orientation :Horizontal
No. Of Players :6

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