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B Ball 3D

B Ball 3D
Product Details
Manufacturer :Data East
Year Released :1996
Category :Sports Games

About B Ball 3D

Data East's 1 to 4 simultaneous player basketball game is the first 5 on 5 basketball game with full polygon graphics.

You can select multiple camera angles of the court for increased playability. The game also has a "Super Moves" command list for Hook Shots, Fake Shots, Fade Away Shots, Dish Offs, Double pumps, Alley Oop, Spin Moves and Dunk Rebounds, with instant replay capability.

B Ball 3D B Ball 3D      

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Product Database
Product Name :B Ball 3D
Category Type :Sports Games
Style :Sport Games
Manufacturer :Data East
Year Of Release :1996
Controller Type :Joystick
No Of Joysticks :1
No Of Buttons :3
Screen Orientation :Horizontal
Gameplay :Single Play & Versus Play
No. Of Players :4

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