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Nobiteke! Byon Byon Diasakusen

Nobiteke! Byon Byon Diasakusen
Product Details
Manufacturer :Konami
Year Released :2008
Category :Shooting Games

About Nobiteke! Byon Byon Diasakusen

Byon Byon consists of numerous minigames where the player must use the unique fist controller to punch various targets and animals. The controller is very unique, with the game described as a "telescopic fist simulator".

The controller is essentially a plastic fist enclosed in a clear plastic cylinder, with handles on the sides. Players must aim the tube, and then pull back on the handles to "punch". The game is characterised not only by its control scheme, but also by its wacky and over the top Japanese graphics.

Product Database
Product Name :Nobiteke! Byon Byon Diasakusen
Category Type :Shooting Games
Style :Gun Shooting Games
Manufacturer :Konami
Year Of Release :2008
Product Size :Width: 145.0 cm
Depth: 218.0 cm
Height: 169.0 cm
No. Of Players :2

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