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Circus Roll

Circus Roll
Product Details
Category :Video Games

About Circus Roll

Circus Roll is a simple to play, single ball roll down game with Circus themed graphics. The player selects from one to five colors and then rolls the ball toward a spinning wheel, that has 19 different holes grouped into colored sections. The player is awarded tickets if he can land the ball in a colored section that he has selected. The ticket value is based on the difficulty of the color selected.

Circus Roll has a colorful graphics package, attractive light and sound package and a 4 digit display that accumulates and counts down the ticket awards. The display is mounted in the head of the "Unique" cabinet design so spectators can see the Jackpot Payouts when a player has hit a Big Winner.

Circus Roll is completely operator adjustable with menu items for coins per credit, ticket awards and more.

Circus Roll        

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Product Name :Circus Roll
Category Type :Video Games

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