Eye 2 Darts Game from Barron Games provides the playing experience and performance of a tavern style game. The Eye 2 Darts Game is the ideal dart game for those players who want to experience of league play.
The hinged-cabinet design makes the game easy to set up, break down and transport. The target and electronics are service-accessible from the front of the game And the brilliant graphics and striking diamond plate front compliments the cool new player-change button.
Features "Fold-in-Half" Transportability! New light fixture folds during shipping - Overhead Scoring and new dot matrix display area provides player instruction before and during game play & improves communication of player feats after. Tavern-Tested T60/30 Target w/ "Missed Target" Sensor included. Programmable Handicap compliant w/NDA guidelines. Contains American Darters Association Neutralizer ® System.
Keypad and backlit LCD Menu for easy setup / statistics reporting - Auto / Manual Player Change, including delay timers for changes. Games included are Cricket, Hi Score, Wipe Out, You Pick It and Cut Throat, plus fun, speed-based games like Rapid Fire Darts, plus old favorites like "01" games !