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EZ2DJ Single

EZ2DJ Single
Product Details
Manufacturer :Amuse World
Year Released :2004
Category :Music Machines

About EZ2DJ Single

A version of EZ2DJ designed for solo play. This version features 76 songs, including 20 new songs. The machine also boasts the brand new seven street mix stage.

The EZ2DJ Single is a well rounded version featuring Ruby Mix for the beginners and Hard Mix or New Disco Style for the hardcore players of the series. Other features include high speed 2.5 and 3 times, and shift effect. Also contained in this version, is animated and 3D rendered backgrounds, and a variety of game modes including hidden modes and hidden songs.

Product Database
Product Name :EZ2DJ Single
Category Type :Music Machines
Style :Music Games
Manufacturer :Amuse World
Year Of Release :2004
Controller Type :Turntable, Keyboard
Gameplay :Single Play
No. Of Players :1

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