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Free Fallin'

Free Fallin'
Product Details
Manufacturer :ICE
Year Released :2009
Category :Ticket Redemption Machines

About Free Fallin'

Free Fallin' is a skill game that tests players reaction time. The machine has a large chute which is divided into sections with each worth a set amount of tickets. The player must drop a ball from the top of the playfield and must stop it as it zooms down the number channel.

The game is available in two sizes. The standard version reaches over 2.5 metres high, whilst Free Fallin' Max rises to 3.2 metres in height and features both a bigger ball and an even longer dropzone.

Free Fallin'        


Product Database
Product Name :Free Fallin'
Category Type :Ticket Redemption Machines
Manufacturer :ICE
Year Of Release :2009
Product Size :Width: 81.0 cm
Depth: 110.5 cm
Height: 261.6 cm
Product Weight :610.634 kg

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