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Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged

Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged
Product Details
Manufacturer :Incredible Technologies, Inc.
Year Released :2007
Category :Sports Games

About Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged

Golden Tee Golf 2008 Unplugged is the offline version of Golden Tee Live 2008, and was specifically designed for offline, non-tournament use, as well as for free play use.

The machine includes most of the features that were present in Golden Tee Live 2008. The game play is identical, with the player using a trackball to control their shots. Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged includes 10 18-hole courses from Golden Tee Live, including 5 courses from Golden Tee Live 2008, and 5 courses from Golden Tee Live 2007.

As Golden Tee Golf 2008 Unplugged is designed as an offline model, the machine does not come equipped with a card reader.

Other features include a practice facility mode, a unique course sampler mode, and the ability to customize on screen characters including their clothes, gear and character faces. Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged also features live action commentary from golf professionals Peter Jacobsen, Gary Player, Chris DiMarco, and Laura Diaz.

Product Database
Product Name :Golden Tee 2008 Unplugged
Category Type :Sports Games
Manufacturer :Incredible Technologies, Inc.
Year Of Release :2007
Controller Type :Trackball

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