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Product Details
Manufacturer :Global VR
Year Released :2003
Category :Arcade Cabinets

About gvrSX

The gvrSX delivers proven, top-earning gameplay in a new cabinet. The striking design of the gvrSX includes a seat for players to get comfortable on while enjoying one of the many player selectable games that are available on the system.

It is also the first GLOBAL VR system that comes with a joystick controller as a part of the standard unit.

Product Details for gvrSX

  • Upgradable with software kits
  • 29-inch SVGA monitor
  • Optional trackball kit available
  • Player-selectable multi-game

Product Database
Product Name :gvrSX
Category Type :Arcade Cabinets
Manufacturer :Global VR
Year Of Release :2003
Product Size :Width: 73.7 cm
Depth: 165.1 cm
Height: 205.7 cm
Product Weight :247.5 kg

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