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Jet Wave

Jet Wave
Product Details
Manufacturer :Konami
Year Released :1996
Category :Simulators

About Jet Wave

A jet ski racing game, where the player controls the action by using a jet ski replica. The game is known as 'Wave Shark' in certain regions.

Players select from a range of different jet ski's and select a course. You race to the finish line against computer controlled opponents and must pass through checkpoints to increase your time. If the timer reaches zero, then it is game over. There are three different courses to choose from - West Coast (Novice), Resort Course (Expert), and Europe Canal Course (Professional). Players can also select to view the action from the riders perspective, or from the rear of the jet ski.

Product Database
Product Name :Jet Wave
Category Type :Simulators
Manufacturer :Konami
Year Of Release :1996
Product Size :Width: 119.0 cm
Depth: 240.0 cm
Height: 221.0 cm
Product Weight :425 kg
PCB Type :Konami GTI Club
Screen Orientation :Horizontal
Screen Resolution :Standard (15kHz)
Linking :No
Gameplay :Single Play
No. Of Players :1

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