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Megatouch XL 6000

Megatouch XL 6000
Product Details
Manufacturer :Merit Industries, Inc.
Year Released :1998
Category :Vending Machines

About Megatouch XL 6000

Upgraded monitors: provides high resolution (true photo quality) graphics. New interface system: a redesigned menu system allows players to browse through more information including specific game instructions, pricing and a new Top 10 High Score List. Over 60 different game versions.

Product Details for Megatouch XL 6000

  • Super VGA graphics
  • On-screen adjustable digital sound
  • Multi-level adult material - operator selectable with timer control
  • CD-Rom updates available
  • Bookkeeping, diagnostics and game options
  • Software available to comply with regional and state requirements
  • Available in 17 languages

Product Database
Product Name :Megatouch XL 6000
Category Type :Vending Machines
Manufacturer :Merit Industries, Inc.
Year Of Release :1998
Product Size :Width: 61.0 cm
Depth: 67.3 cm
Height: 137.2 cm
Controller Type :Touchscreen

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