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NFL 2 Minute Drill

NFL 2 Minute Drill
Product Details
Manufacturer :ICE
Year Released :2008
Category :Sports Games

About NFL 2 Minute Drill

NFL 2 Minute Drill is a licensed game from ICE where players throw an American football at targets that pop out at random. Each target is worth a certain amount of points, and the aim is to score the most points possible in the allotted time.

There are also three different sized unmoving scoring holes on the backboard. Each of these holes are worth a different amount of points, and cater to different skill levels. High scores are recorded on the 'Hall of Fame' board, which encourages repeat play.

NFL 2 Minute Drill NFL 2 Minute Drill      



Product Database
Product Name :NFL 2 Minute Drill
Category Type :Sports Games
Manufacturer :ICE
Year Of Release :2008
Product Size :Width: 91.4 cm
Depth: 304.8 cm
Height: 269.2 cm
Product Weight :540 kg
Controller Type :Ball
Linking :Yes
Gameplay :Single Play
No. Of Players :1

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