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Ping Pong Kombat

Ping Pong Kombat
Product Details
Manufacturer :Digital Centre, S.L.
Year Released :2004
Category :Sports Games

About Ping Pong Kombat

Ping Pong Kombat is Digital Centre's coin based tennis table, offering a new kind of entertainment complementary to existing amusement machines featured in arcades, malls, and pubs.

Ping Pong Kombat features a net that is elevated when playing time is over. The net retracts for play when coins are inserted. This function is to deter and prevent people from playing without paying for time.

Players can use the A, B and C buttons on the machine to select what they wish to pay for:
  • A - a pair of rackets, a ball and time
  • B - time
  • C - an extra ball.

Product Database
Product Name :Ping Pong Kombat
Category Type :Sports Games
Style :Sport Games
Manufacturer :Digital Centre, S.L.
Year Of Release :2004
Gameplay :Versus Play
No. Of Players :2

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