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Pump it Up: Exceed

Pump it Up: Exceed
Product Details
Manufacturer :Andamiro
Year Released :2004
Category :Music Machines

About Pump it Up: Exceed

Exceed is the 10th arcade release in the popular dance game series Pump It Up. Includes 24 new songs for a total of 102.

The game features a new interface which divides selectable tracks into 3 channels/genres - Banya, Pop and K-Pop. The Red arrows are used to switch channels, and the blue arrows change the song. Once the song is selected, the difficulty is chosen.

Exceed also features the ability for arcade operators to lock out songs they deem inappropriate.

Pump it Up: Fiesta  
Product Database
Product Name :Pump it Up: Exceed
Category Type :Music Machines
Style :Music Games
Manufacturer :Andamiro
Year Of Release :2004
Controller Type :Dance Pad
Screen Size :33" Screen
Screen Orientation :Horizontal
Linking :No
Gameplay :Single Play & Versus Play
No. Of Players :2

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