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Puyo Puyo

Puyo Puyo
Product Details
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Released :1992
Category :Video Games

About Puyo Puyo

A game that plays like Columns. Coloured balls fall down the screen the player must rotate these and place same colours next to each other. Enough of the same colour touching makes the balls disappear. Players score more points the more balls that disappear at once.

Product Details for Puyo Puyo

  • System C2 PCB

Puyo Puyo Puyo Puyo      

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Product Database
Product Name :Puyo Puyo
Category Type :Video Games
Style :Puzzle Games
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Of Release :1992
PCB Type :Sega System C-2
Controller Type :Joystick
No Of Joysticks :2
No Of Buttons :2
No. Of Players :2

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