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Real Magic

Real Magic
Product Details
Manufacturer :Mizi Production
Year Released :2005
Category :Shooting Games

About Real Magic

Real Magic is a shooting game with a magic wand instead of a gun, targeting young teenage players with its three dimensional characters and graphics. Real Magic requires players to protect the Lanarchs by fighting devils and monsters caused by dark magic, along with childhood friends, Jean and Luri in the magic world.

The magic wand is used as the controller, where players point the magic wand towards their enemy on the screen and click the fire button to use their magic on the enemy. Mana is the measure of magic power, and if a player runs out, they move their wand sensor away from the screen for a moment to recharge. Players are given missions for each level of the game, and as the missions are accomplished, the clear gauge is filled. Players must complete their missions within a set time frame.

Product Database
Product Name :Real Magic
Category Type :Shooting Games
Style :Gun Shooting Games
Manufacturer :Mizi Production
Year Of Release :2005
Controller Type :Wand
Screen Orientation :Horizontal
Linking :No
Gameplay :Single & Co-operative Play
No. Of Players :2

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