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Realsports Max

Realsports Max
Product Details
Manufacturer :Visual Sports Systems
Year Released :2005
Category :Simulators

About Realsports Max

A multi-sports simulator that combines virtual reality with real life. The player stands in the middle of the unit and using the tools of the game he is player.

For example during the golf game, players hit real golf balls with a golf club into the screen. Sensors in the machine will sense the direction and power of the shot and will portray it on the screen. In basketball, the player will throw a real basketball at the screen like it was a hoop. The sensors will detect if the shot is successful or not based on the angle and direction of the shot.

In total there are 6 sports the player can play: Golf, Soccer, Hockey, Baseball, Football, and Basketball. All use a system of hitting, throwing, kicking the ball at the screen. Since all the games use the same technology games can be swapped over easily.

Product Details for Realsports Max


  • Pentium 4 PC, MS Windows OS, Direct X gaming API
  • Proprietary Real-Time Gaming and Simulation Software
  • Proprietary Real-Time Eagle-Vision Object-Tracking System
  • 10' wide high impact TRU-FLAT projection screen

Realsports Max        


Product Database
Product Name :Realsports Max
Category Type :Simulators
Manufacturer :Visual Sports Systems
Year Of Release :2005

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