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Sega Golf Club Network ProTour

Sega Golf Club Network ProTour
Product Details
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Released :2004
Category :Sports Games

About Sega Golf Club Network ProTour

Sega's Golf Club Network ProTour is a networked golf game linked to the ALL.NET (Amusement Linkage Live Network) system - so that players can compete against their competitors' rankings, without having to wait for the competitor to be present before they can play the game. Golf Club features the IC card option, which means that players can save their progress in the game on an IC card, and return to the game at the same point at a later time.

Product Database
Product Name :Sega Golf Club Network ProTour
Category Type :Sports Games
Style :Sport Games
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Of Release :2004
PCB Type :Sega Chihiro Satellite Terminal
Controller Type :Joystick
No. Of Players :1

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