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Outnumbered DLX Arcade Machine

Outnumbered DLX Arcade Machine
Product Details
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Released :2021
Category :Shooting Games

About Outnumbered DLX Arcade Machine

Outnumbered is a competitive target shooting video game that has been specifically engineered to drive traffic to your venue by rewarding people every time they play. Players unlock content after each stage, which they can use to create and upgrade custom weapons in the game’s free companion app, then return to the game to play with their new weapon and unlock more rewards, creating a revolving door for repeat play. Pop culture themes, live global leaderboards and an endless combination of weapons provides broad appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers to keep them coming back to your venue time and time again.

Product Details for Outnumbered DLX Arcade Machine

Single player or co-op mode.
Players are rewarded after every stage.
Gain XP and level up to unlock rare and exclusive content.
A globally competitive and social community.
A framework to accommodate growth and content updates.
Dedicated Outnumbered: Weapon Forge App.
Automatic software updates.

Product Database
Product Name :Outnumbered DLX Arcade Machine
Category Type :Shooting Games
Style :Shooting Style Games
Manufacturer :Sega Corporation
Year Of Release :2021
Product Size :Width: 193.0 cm
Depth: 181.0 cm
Height: 227.0 cm
Product Weight :285 kg
Gameplay :Single & Co-operative Play
No. Of Players :2

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