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Silver Strike Bowling 2009

Silver Strike Bowling 2009
Product Details
Manufacturer :Incredible Technologies, Inc.
Year Released :2008
Category :Sports Games

About Silver Strike Bowling 2009

Silver Strike Bowling 2009 is bowling game that caters for all ages and all skill levels. A new game mode appearing in Silver Strike Bowling 2009 is SSB Survivor. In this mode, up to 16 players compete in a knockout style game where you must get strikes to keep playing, with players eliminated if they miss too many. Silver Strike Bowling 2009 also has what is called a 'Red Pin Free Game Bonus', where players win a free game if they are able to get a Red Pin Strike.

Silver Strike Bowling 2009        


Product Database
Product Name :Silver Strike Bowling 2009
Category Type :Sports Games
Style :Sport Games
Manufacturer :Incredible Technologies, Inc.
Year Of Release :2008

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