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Space Ballz

Space Ballz
Product Details
Manufacturer :Jennison Entertainment
Year Released :2010
Category :Ticket Redemption Machines

About Space Ballz

A ticket redemption machine from Jennison Entertainment. After inserting credits, a Space Ball will be loaded into the crane mechanism and will begin moving. The object is for the player to time the release the ball in order to try and win the Space Ballz Bonus, or more tickets. The player releases the ball by pushing the large plasma button on the control panel. If a player successfully gets the ball into the Bonus Hole, they will win more balls and allot more tickets.

Space Ballz was designed with an impressive cabinet that is sure to attract attention. The cabinet is designed to be a cross section of a space ship where the player is standing at a control center looking out into space. There are over 3000 multi-color LED used in the cabinet to draw attention to the game.

The game features a 32" LCD monitor that displays all pertinent game information for the player and also includes a 300 Watt surround sound system. Space Ballz features another industry first, an interactive instruction screen that actually shows the player exactly how to play the game ensuring both visual and auditory cues are sparked. The game features an operator friendly adjustments page that allows the operator to make quick changes to the configuration without looking anything up in a manual.

Space Ballz        


Product Database
Product Name :Space Ballz
Category Type :Ticket Redemption Machines
Manufacturer :Jennison Entertainment
Year Of Release :2010
Product Size :Width: 145.0 cm
Depth: 142.0 cm
Height: 259.0 cm

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