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Orion 5D Attraction (4 Seat Model)

Orion 5D Attraction (4 Seat Model)
Product Details
Manufacturer :Trans-Force
Year Released :2010
Category :Simulators

About Orion 5D Attraction (4 Seat Model)

Trans-Force is a 5D interactive motion simulator which offers a variety of different games. The machine is suitable for all ages, and includes both entertainment and educational programs. The machine includes a huge 180° panoramic stereoscopic 3D screen, and uses the latest stereoscopic technology to provide high-quality, high-contrast images.

Adding to the experience is the full motion platform with 6 degrees of freedom. The motion platform can produce any horizontal, longitudinal and transverse, as well as vertical and rotary motions, imitating roll and pitch.

The simulator seats up to 4 people, with each game taking between 3 – 6 minutes (operator adjustable). Each seat is equipped with a joystick which can be used for controlling the craft and its weapons; along with taking pictures of interesting objects, and answering quiz questions. The interactive system encourages competition between the visitors. During the game all the participants receive scores for their accuracy in hitting targets, winning any race they take part in and other tasks completed. Winners are announced at the end of each game.

The Orion's space saving size (9 sq. m) and immersive 4 seat shuttle design make it suitable for populated venues such as shopping malls, entertainment centres, museums, cinemas and other visitor attractions. A Plasma display panel outside the attraction can be used for advertising and briefing of visitors waiting in the queue. Large screen displays also shows live images from inside the attraction.

Only one attendant is needed to operate the machine. The machine has a payment and control terminal, limiting the attendants function to switching on the selected program and attending to safety issues.

Product Details for Orion 5D Attraction (4 Seat Model)

  • Currently over 15 titles available - from educational programs to military vehicle simulators
  • 180° panoramic stereoscopic 3D screen
  • Full motion platform
  • Online business monitoring software

  • Adventures in outer space (Battle)
  • Cold Planet (Battle)
  • Ocean Planet (Battle)
  • Volcano Planet (Battle)
  • Glitch Planet (Kids-Ride)
  • Happy Land (Kids-Ride)
  • UnHappy Land(Kids-Ride)
  • Robot Mary and Evil Crashers (Kids-Ride)
  • Back to the Past (Educational)
  • Trip to the Moon (Educational)
  • Underwater World (Educational)
  • Military Speed Boat (Demo)
  • Tank Simulator (Demo)

Product Database
Product Name :Orion 5D Attraction (4 Seat Model)
Category Type :Simulators
Manufacturer :Trans-Force
Year Of Release :2010
Product Size :Width: 260.0 cm
Depth: 260.0 cm
Height: 210.0 cm
Product Weight :400 kg

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