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Winning Eleven 2010

Winning Eleven 2010
Product Details
Manufacturer :Konami
Category :Sports Games

About Winning Eleven 2010

Winning Eleven Arcade Championship 2010 is a skill challenge video soccer game.

This game creates an original team to unleash special skills and strength. It features in online league or participate to online competition. And it comes with new two players' cooperation formation system.

Two player modes include exciting online match mode, local match mode, and com match mode, its card reader save player gameplay records.

Product Details for Winning Eleven 2010

  • genre: online Vs [Soccer Game]
  • platform: video game
  • player: 1 player per station

Product Database
Product Name :Winning Eleven 2010
Category Type :Sports Games
Style :Sport Games
Manufacturer :Konami

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