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Clubs Australia & American Gaming Association Alliance to Tackle Illegal Online Gambling

Clubs Australia & American Gaming Association Alliance to Tackle Illegal Online Gambling
Clubs Australia & American Gaming Association Alliance to Tackle Illegal Online Gambling
Clubs Australia - an association that represents the interests of Australia's vast club industry - has formed an international alliance with the American Gaming Association in an effort to tackle unregulated online gambling.

The two associations will collaborate closely to raise awareness of the risks of illegal gambling websites, about why our governements and regulators should be taking a strong interest in illegal online gambling, and work on measures to prevent the spread of illegal sites.

It is estimated that US and Australian residents spend approximately $4bn and $1.2bn, respectively, each year on illegal overseas gambling sites - revenue that never makes it back into the economy.

“The proliferation of illegal online gambling is a scourge that needs to be tackled by governments worldwide, in association with legal and regulated gaming operators, said Clubs Australia executive director Anthony Ball. “Put simply, these sites are unethical and unsafe. There are no age verification checks, no harm-minimisation measures and the revenue they generate goes to offshore tax havens – not back to the community.”

AGA senior vice president of public affairs Sara Rayme said the new partnership with Clubs Australia will help “shine a spotlight on shady outfits” that do not create jobs, contribute tax revenue or protect players.

More updates on gaming regulations as they become available.


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