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Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City Due To Open In October

Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City Due To Open In October
Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City Due To Open In October
Since July 11, 2014, Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City has been under construction in Gangkou, Zhongshan. G&A 2015 show organisers have announced updates concerning the development, announcing the city will open this October!

The 2.6 billion yen development covers a planned area of approximately 416 acres with the current construction area covering 800,000 square meters and is divided into four phases. The construction area of the first phase is 165,000 square meters and is known as District A.

District A has currently finished 80% of construction, with green planting in the area to be completed by June 10 and it is this area that is expected to be opened in October this year. As an added bonus, it’s estimated that District A will be finished before the 2015 Spring Festival.

The first phase (District A ) includes 18 industrial headquarter buildings over a 165,000 square meter area. The buildings will fully meet the demand of corporate offices, exhibition and trade, production, business clubs, cultural experiences and so on. The vision for the Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City is to establish an international industry benchmark of products for the game and amusement industry, as well as establish enterprises to build an exclusive circle of city, Almighty.

There is no doubt that Guangdong Game & Amusement Culture Industry City will surely surprise domestic and international industry insiders.

About G&A 2015

China (Zhongshan) International Games & Amusement Fair 2015(G & A 2015)
Date: Oct.22nd-24th, 2015
Venue: Zhongshan Convention Center, China
Contact: Cola Huang
Tel : +86-20-22074164
Web: www.zsgaf.com


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