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UNIS Announced Release of New Music Machine Drummer Kids

UNIS Announced Release of New Music Machine Drummer Kids
UNIS Announced Release of New Music Machine Drummer Kids
UNIS (Universal Space) announced the release of a new music machine made for kids - Drummer Kids!

The announcement is currently up on the company's facebook page, and shows a picture of the cabinet, as well as listing it's various features and a brief description of the game play. This includes:

• 1 or 2 player game
• Bonus game for 2 players
• Entry and advanced level
• Advanced level player can select songs played
• Two different drums
• Multi-coloured charming LED cabinet
• 2 main speakers and a woofer
• 32" LCD screen

This is a fairly straight forward game that kids will easily understand and will thoroughly enjoy. Players simply beat the drum in time with the music, so timing is important! Players also bash the snacks and sweets as they journey along. As the player goes along, they must beat the particular drum required for each snack that appears in front of them.

The bright multi-coloured, LED-lit cabinet will draw players in from all across the floor, while the simple and exciting game play will keep them coming back for another set!

At the time of writing, the Drummer Kids arcade machine was not up on the UNIS website.

News via: UNIS


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