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Product Details
Manufacturer :VirTra Systems Inc.
Year Released :2004
Category :Virtual Reality Machines

About Immersa-Dome

The Immersa-Dome is a concave screen that delivers a color rich High-Definition image that completely fills the user's front and peripheral view. The Immersa-Dome is capable of very high-resolution. The projector resolution standard with the Immersa-Dome is 1024 x 768 (true High-Definition). The projected image can be seen on both sides of the dome screen so the operator and others can see what the user is viewing. Waiting participants will be fascinated by the visual spectacle and will be anxious for their opportunity to be personally immersed. To operate, simply sit down and slide the Immersa-Dome over the user's face. Unlike headset-based virtual reality, the Immersa-Dome does not touch the user's head, face, or hair.

The Immersa-Dome is patented technology offered by VirTra Systems. The complete system features vibration in the seat, time-triggered scents, and wind simulation. 5.1-channel Dolby Digital sound system completes the multi-sensory experience. Content for the Immersa-Dome can come from existing HD film (may be optimized for the dome) or newly filmed HD content. The Immersa-Dome will quickly deliver the sensation of "being there."

Product Details for Immersa-Dome

  • Excellent visual quality and high-throughput.
  • New and existing High-Definition (HD) content can be used with the Immersa-Dome.
  • Vibration in addition to all other special effects are included (smell, wind, and stereo sound).

Immersa-Dome Immersa-Dome      



Product Database
Product Name :Immersa-Dome
Category Type :Virtual Reality Machines
Manufacturer :VirTra Systems Inc.
Year Of Release :2004
No. Of Players :1

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