Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia) is the premier Asian gaming event and one-stop sourcing platform for decision makers in Asia to discover the most comprehensive array of gaming and entertainment-related new products and services, network with industry-leading manufacturers, and learn the latest trends. Held in Macau - the heart of Asian gaming and one of the fastest growing gaming markets in the world - it’s the best resource to gain a competitive edge for your business and your career.
Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia) is the international gaming exhibition and conference dedicated to the Asian gaming market. Organized by the American Gaming Association (AGA) and Reed Exhibitions, G2E Asia made its debut in June 2007, defining itself as the leading event for the gaming entertainment industry in Asia. (G2E Asia is part of The Global Gaming Expo (G2E) portfolio of events. G2E is the largest event for the global gaming industry and is held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada USA).
Who should attend G2E Asia?
G2E Asia consistently delivers quality exhibitors and unique networking opportunities for visitors from across the Eastern hemisphere and beyond. If you are engaging in the following businesses or sectors, don't miss this year's G2E Asia held in the heartland of the Asian gaming industry—Macau!
The following industries will find the show most useful:
- Bingo Hall
- Commercial Casino
- Cruise Ship
- Gaming Club
- iGaming
- Lottery
- Pari-Mutuel
- Resort Banking/Investment
- Consultant
- Education – University/School
- Government
- Industry Association
- Law Firm
- Marketing/Advertising Agency
- Publication
- Regulatory
- Supplier/Manufacturer
- Other gaming organizations
Who should exhibit at G2E Asia?
If you are engaging in the following businesses or sectors, G2E Asia is the perfect platform to showcase your innovative gaming products and services, such as:
- Architecture Construction & Design
- Gaming Equipment
- iGaming
- Compliance
- Components for Machines
- Computer Hardware
- Consultants
- Food & Beverage
- Gaming Software / Systems
- Hospitality
- Publications
- Security / Surveillance
- Slot Machines
- Table Games & Accessories
- Video Gaming Machines