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JAEPO - Japan Amusement Expo 2014

Hours & Event Dates :

Friday 14th February, 2014. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 15th February, 2014. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Where :

Makuhari Messe - Hall 4, 5 and 6
2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku
Chiba City
Chiba Prefecture 261-0023, Japan
Ph: +81-43-296-0001

Categories :

Amusement, Gaming, Vending, Parks and Rides, Conference
Japan Amusement Expo is one of the largest amusement machines and equipments exhibitions in the world and was created by the merging of the AOU show and the JAMMA show in Japan in 2012.

Products and services displayed at the event include: coin-op, arcade game machines, amusement rides, play equipment, redemption prizes and machines, and equipment relative to the amusement and arcade industry - i.e. vending, cash and card systems, food and beverage, etc.

Zone Types and Locations:

【Arcade Zone】
Main exhibits are arcade game machines such as video game machines, sticker photos, simulation game machines, prize machines and medal game machines.
【Family Zone】
Main exhibits are arcade games, rides and amusement park equipment for elementary school children and under or families.
【Prize Zone】
Main exhibits are prizes for prize awarding game machines.
【Related Product Zone】
Main exhibits are products and equipment related to amusement and entertainment.
【Publication Zone】
Main exhibits are publication related to amusement and entertainment.
【International Zone】
Main exhibitors from abroad.

Cost to Attend : ¥1000 JPY Quick Link : For the official site Click Here
Show Organizer : Japan Amusemnt Expo Council (JAMMA - Japan Amusement Machine and Marketing Association, Inc. and AOU - All Nippon Amusement Machine Operators Union)

Cost to Attend :¥1000 JPY

This is an at door cost and is only being charged on Saturday 15th for the general public day. Industry visitors attend by invitation, Friday 14th being open only to attendees with invitations.

There is a discount price, 800 yen for adults, high school and junior high students who present the discount coupon. There is no charge for elementary children and senior citizens 60 years old or over.
Map of City: Click Here to View


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