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Is there Serious conflicts of interest within the British Amusement Trade Association

Is there Serious conflicts of interest within the British Amusement Trade Association
Is there Serious conflicts of interest within the British Amusement Trade Association
It has been established this week that the President of Bacta - Simon Thomas, Director and Chairman Brian Meaden, Vice President Designate - Tim Batstone, and ATE Director - Roger Withers may have conflicts of interest with their association in Leisurehub.

The conflicts of interest have been caused by the investment of $6,000,000 into Leisurehub from Penton Media. They are a competitor to BACTA as they have run shows including International Leisure Industry week, that attracts a similar target audience to the London Parks and attractions show.

BACTA now have 4 of their top executives who all have a marked interest in the success of Leisurehub;

Simon Thomas is an investor adviser

Brian Meaden is an inverstor adviser

Roger Withers is an investor adviser

Tim Batstone is the CEO of Leisurehub

At a BACTA National council meeting last week one member asked - if the value of the ATE will not be damaged since Penton Publishing own Leisure industry week Leisurehub are the provider of the BACTA website.

There may be a call for all four members to stand down or relinquish their shares in Leisurehub.


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