20 Nov, 2018 |
A website dedicated to the Thunderbirds Pinball machine by Homepin is now live. It contains information on all things Thunderbirds Pinball related, including features, service, news, contact information and where to buy.
29 Nov, 2018 |
A Thunderbirds Pinball machine that was donated by ITV for an industry lunch has helped to raise over GBP5,000 for industry charity, The Light Fund.
29 Jan, 2019 |
Thunderbirds Pinball agent, Farogames, will be displaying Thunderbirds Pinball at Enada Primavera 2019 in Rimini. Organised by the Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) and promoted by SAPAR, Enada Primavera is one of the most important exhibitions in Southern Europe dedicated to the gaming sector.
16 May, 2019 |
HomePin has released it's newest arcade machine, Ride the Wave. Players must manipulate the metal rod to move the ball into the lit hole, while avoiding all the other holes. The game will be released worldwide, with the Chinese version having toned down artwork and being named Monkey King.
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