3 Oct, 2008 |
Unconfirmed reports have surfaced that Raw Thrills have acquired the rights from Activision to release a Guitar Hero game for arcade use. According to sources, the machine will be released in the first quarter of 2009. |
22 Jan, 2014 |
Day one at EAG International 2014 has finished and here are some updates for you with some pictures from the show floor. |
1 Sep, 2014 |
The Big Buck Hunter 2014 Qualifying Tournament, which started on August 18th, is sill open till September 28th. |
11 Dec, 2014 |
The 2015 update from Play Mechanix is Big Buck HD Wild and it will feature loads of new content, including new animals, games, trophies, and the Doe of the Dead Zombie game! |
14 May, 2015 |
Raw Thrills has recently launched an internationla anti-piracy program to reign in copyright violations of their games and violations of Raw Thrills Intellectual Property Rights. |
9 Oct, 2015 |
Finally! The release we have been waiting for since November 2014 is here: Jurassic Park Arcade - Deluxe Motion Edition is now available! |
3 Nov, 2015 |
Bandai Namco Entertainment is bringing the famous classic arcade game, Galaga, back to the arcades in this revamped video redemption arcade machine titled Galaga Assault. |
18 Jan, 2017 |
Bandai Namco Amusement Europe, Raw Thrills and Adrenaline Amusements are showing a number of new and proven products at EAG International 2017. |
18 Apr, 2017 |
Finnish video game developer Housemarque is collaborating with Raw Thrills to create a sleek arcade cabinet for its top-down shooter, Nex Machina. But that’s not the only thing happening on the project. |
2 Oct, 2019 |
The BANDAI NAMCO Amusement Europe (BNAE) team returned from IAAPA Europe
with orders, enquiries and incredible feedback on their latest line up
of games and prizes.The BNAE team displayed many exciting games including Nerf Arcade, Super Bikes 3, Tomb Raider, World's Largest Pac-Man, Pixel Bash and more.
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